DAY #2 | Dumbbell Workout
by: Lisa from Genesis Cooks Hill, NSW
Warm Up: 5 minutes on cross trainer + 10 squats + 10 toe touches + 10
push ups + 10 band pull apart (2 rounds)
Complete one full round and time how long it takes you then try and beat
your time the next workout.
20 single arm snatch, 300m run, 20 DB squat press, 300m run, 20 DB
deadlift, 300m run, 20 DB goblet squat, 300m run, 20 full sit up with DB press,
300m run, 20 DB renegade row, 300m run, 20 DB manmakers, 300m run
Tell your PT exactly what you want to achieve and they will custom make
the workout for you