

Strong start: Unleashing your potential from day one at a new gym

Date: Aug 14, 2023     By: Genesis Fitness    Fitness, health, wellness
Starting at a new gym? So exciting! It's a fresh start, an opportunity to push boundaries and transform your body and mind. “Start as you intend to go on” is an old saying that still rings true. If you’re looking to begin at a new gym, then start strong with this seven-step guide.

How to stay active with a busy lifestyle: A guide for gym goers

Date: Jul 28, 2023     By: Genesis Fitness    Fitness, Gym, lifestyle, training
It can come as no surprise that people don’t find time to exercise. In fact, by talking to members, one thing we know is that building a routine and creating time to exercise are the keys to success when it comes to a busy and HEALTHY lifestyle. Here are some practical tips and strategies to incorporate exercise into your busy schedule. Learn how to create a routine, make the most of your workout time, and prioritise your health and fitness goals.

Gym lingo 101: Learn 15 of the latest fitness terms to help boost your workouts

Date: Jul 10, 2023     By: Genesis Fitness    Fitness, Gym, Beginner, training
Enhance your health journey by learning the latest gym lingo. This practical glossary of 15 fitness terms will help you navigate your workouts with confidence. Discover everything from AMRAP and EMOM to Active Recovery and Hypertrophy. Joining a gym with a welcoming community, dedicated staff and expert personal trainers will support you to get the most out of your fitness routine and achieve your goals.

How Much Gym Franchise Owners Make

Date: Jun 22, 2022     By: Genesis Fitness    franchise, business, gym owners
If you’re thinking of setting up a gym and you’re wondering how much gym franchise owners make, you’re not alone. After all, anybody who sets up a business does it with the intention of making a profit! However, it can be difficult to quantify that profit, especially when gym franchises can vary wildly.

The Cost of Buying a Gym Franchise

Date: Jun 22, 2022     By: Genesis Fitness    franchise, business, gym owners
If you’re considering investing in a gym franchise, you may be wondering if the cost of buying a gym franchise is worth it. Would you be better off starting a gym from scratch and building up your own brand? Or would it be a more prudent investment to buy an existing gym and build on its brand?

How to Get Back into the Gym After a Long Break

Date: Mar 08, 2019     By: Genesis Fitness   
At some point in our lives, we have to take a bit of a hiatus from the gym. This might be because of an injury, a family emergency, or a variety of other reasons. Life happens. The key is to get right back at it as soon as you can. But if you have to endure a long break from the gym, here are a few little tips on how to get back into it.

5 Ways to Maximise Each Training Session

Date: Mar 08, 2019     By: Genesis Fitness   
Finding time for a gym session can be difficult to fit in during busy schedules. Here are some things you can do to take advantage of the time that you have in the gym to maximise your results.

A Beginner’s Guide to the Gym

Date: Jan 08, 2019     By: Genesis Fitness    Fitness, wellness, Gym, Beginner
Stepping out of your comfort zone can be a daunting prospect, and stepping into the gym as a beginner is no exception. But the gym needn't be an intimidating place, with the right guidance you can walk into the gym feeling confident and ready to workout.

What Should You Really Be Doing on a Rest Day

Date: Sep 20, 2017     By: Genesis Fitness    Fitness
Is laying on the sofa, eating pizza, the best way to recover from a tough workout? Unfortunately, no, it generally isn’t the best use of your rest days. In this post, we’re going to look at three things you should be doing instead.

4 Benefits of Small Group Training

Date: Jul 17, 2017     By: Genesis Fitness    Strength and Tone
If you find training alone boring, or it’s difficult to get motivated, why not workout in a small group? It has several benefits that make your training more enjoyable and effective.


5 Exercises to Increase Power

4 Weight Machine Exercises for Upper Body Strength

9 Benefits of 30 mins Exercise Per Day

What is Reformer Pilates?

5 Lower Back Friendly Glute Exercises

How To Choose The Right Workout For Your Fitness Goals

What Are The Benefits of Reformer Pilates?

5 Foam Roller Exercises To Improve Your Body's Flexibility

Why Your Hip Flexors Are So Important?

5 Ways To Monitor Your Fitness Goals

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