Level 2, 235 Darby Street Cooks Hill
Monday - Friday: 5.30am - 8.00pm
Saturday & Sunday: 8.00am - 4.00pm
Monday - Friday: 5.30am - 8.00pm
Saturday & Sunday: 8.00am - 4.00pm
Formerly Howzat Newcastle Indoor Sports & Health Club
Entrance is on the corner of Brooks Street and Tooke Streets.
Ample Free parking available on site (entry via Brooks Street) and plenty of street parking available as well.
There are few things more likely to cause low self-esteem than poor fitness levels. Aches and pains due to poor joint or muscle health can have devastating effects on your mood, and even partial immobility can cause problems for your social or work life. That's without even addressing the problems caused by poor self-image. Overall, if you want a greater level of confidence, there's no better place to start than your fitness.
It is with this in mind that we'd like to welcome you to our gym near Hamilton South. Our high quality, professional training and equipment are ideal resources for those who want to harness the life-changing potential of fitness, and our team are perfectly placed to help you get the best out of our facilities. You'll find a positive, supportive atmosphere which will help you enjoy better health and greater self-confidence.
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The confidence that comes with exercise is more than just what you see in the mirror. Your body is an engine built for movement, and when we are exercising it properly, we activate our hormones. The hormones in your body, your insulin, endorphins, adrenaline and cortisol, will all balance out to more natural and efficient levels as you exercise. This means that after your workout, your stress levels will be lower, the aches and pains you may feel lose their edge, and you will feel more mentally prepared to deal with any other personal issues you might face.
We know that one of the biggest obstacles to getting into a gym is that it can seem intimidating and daunting. We're proud of the fact that our gym is for people of all levels. Our trainers have worked with triathletes and weight-watchers alike. It is of the utmost importance to us that you feel comfortable and energised. At our Mayfield and Cooks Hill gyms you'll find:
Understanding and empathetic staff - We want you to feel welcome every time and right at home, with trainers who will both push you beyond your comfort zone without making you feel degraded.
A support network of other gym users - When you take our classes, you'll be exercising alongside people who have had similar issues and face similar challenges.
Childcare - As part of our welcome, we also have childcare facilities, so you won't have to spend over the odds for babysitters if you want to get into shape.
We know that part of the battle against low self-confidence is a battle against stress. That's why, in addition to our high-octane exercise classes, we offer group yoga near Hamilton South. It is great for toning and strength building, but it also the perfect opportunity to destress and recentre. It is great for your heart and also a time when you can embrace stillness.
Whether you are looking for solo training or group fitness near Hamilton South, we have got just what you need to boost your confidence. As soon as you start, you'll start to feel the benefits - part of the journey is taking the first step. To make this step easier, we're offering you a free trial now! Simply fill in the form for your access, and we'll look forward to welcoming you!
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