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Five top age-defying wellness tips to boost your fitness routine

Date: Aug 29, 2023     By: Genesis Fitness    Fitness, health, wellness, lifestyle
If you want to enjoy feeling vital and well for life, read this blog to learn our top five age-defying wellness and fitness tips. From the benefits of strength training for building muscles and protecting your bone health, to the reasons you should be incorporating flexibility training in your fitness routine, we share how you can stay fit as you age. By embracing these tips and being consistent, you’ll create healthy habits to support your happiness and wellbeing at every age and stage of life.

4 Cool Down Exercises to Aid Recovery

Date: Mar 07, 2016     By: Genesis Fitness    Fitness
Cooling down after a workout is an undervalued practise. It starts the recovery process off and is the first steps in avoiding soreness and fatigue in the days to come. Spending a few extra minutes to do a thorough cool down will pay off, both in how you feel, and your ability to come back and train again tomorrow, or whenever your next scheduled workout is.


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5 Lower Back Friendly Glute Exercises

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What Are The Benefits of Reformer Pilates?

5 Foam Roller Exercises To Improve Your Body's Flexibility

Why Your Hip Flexors Are So Important?

5 Ways To Monitor Your Fitness Goals

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