

4 Habits To Adopt To Increase Productivity

Date: Jan 08, 2019     By: Genesis Fitness    Fitness, wellness, lifestyle
When it doesn’t feel like there’s enough hours in the day and you have a massive list of things to do, it can be easy to retreat and procrastinate. It’s not a coincidence that the most successful people in the world follow similar daily habits as one another.

Which is better for weight loss; cardio or lifting weights?

Date: Jul 17, 2018     By: Genesis Fitness    Weight Loss
When it comes to weight loss it is a common misconception that cardio training is the way to go. While cardio is a great way to increase fitness and burn some calories, it is not the most impactful form of exercise for weight loss. There are a number of reasons why this is the case.

5 tips on the best way to row

Date: Jun 25, 2018     By: Genesis Fitness    Fitness
Rowing is one of the best forms of cardio exercise you can do. Here’s five tips on the best way to row; to get the most out of your training.

7 Exercise Tips to Help Your Cardio Workouts

Date: May 05, 2017     By: Genesis Fitness    Fitness
From the treadmill to the running tracks, working up a sweat can be tedious. Check out our top seven tips to improve your cardio workouts.

3 Effective Training Methods For Weight Loss

Date: Nov 23, 2016     By: Genesis Fitness    Weight Loss
Unfortunately, you cannot spot reduce fat through exercise. Meaning that doing abs exercises does not burn belly fat any more than any other kind of exercise. However, you can increase the amount of fat you are burning by focusing on exercises that have a big impact on your metabolism, keeping you burning fat for a long time after your workout. Three of the best training methods are listed here:

How To Maintain Your Fitness When Travelling For Work Or A Holiday

Date: Nov 23, 2016     By: Genesis Fitness    Fitness
Travelling can throw a spanner in the works of your fitness routine. It’s particularly frustrating when you’ve been doing really well, you’re in a great routine and then a disruption knocks you off course. What type of travel you are doing will determine your course of action.

4 Exercises to Improve Your Wellbeing

Date: Jan 27, 2016     By: Genesis Fitness    wellness
There’s some really simple exercises that you can do to improve your wellbeing, health and happiness. Here’s 4 of the best:

Some Of The Common Mistakes People Make In The Gym

Date: Jan 19, 2016     By: Genesis Fitness    Fitness
This could be a very nit-picky and exhaustive list, so we’ve focused on major things that will have a big impact on results.

5 Myths About Strength Training

Date: Dec 21, 2015     By: Genesis Fitness    Strength and Tone
Strength training myths come in all shapes and sizes, and it’s essential you know fact from fiction. By understanding how to train right, positive results will follow, so start busting the beliefs that are holding you back from achieving more.

What Should You Do When Starting At The Gym?

Date: Dec 15, 2015     By: Genesis Fitness    Fitness
You’ve joined the gym – and you are unsure where to start. Beginning at the gym can be daunting; how do you know what to do, how to do it and how often you need to turn up to get results?


5 Exercises to Increase Power

4 Weight Machine Exercises for Upper Body Strength

9 Benefits of 30 mins Exercise Per Day

What is Reformer Pilates?

5 Lower Back Friendly Glute Exercises

How To Choose The Right Workout For Your Fitness Goals

What Are The Benefits of Reformer Pilates?

5 Foam Roller Exercises To Improve Your Body's Flexibility

Why Your Hip Flexors Are So Important?

5 Ways To Monitor Your Fitness Goals

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