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Gym Franchises for Sale Australia




How Much Water Should You Drink When Exercising

Date: Sep 21, 2016     By: Genesis Fitness    nutrition
Hydration is an often forgotten part of fitness and health. Every bodily function needs sufficient hydration for your cells to function properly. Failing to maintain hydration will drop your performance level, and at the extreme becomes dangerous.

9 Benefits of 30 mins of Exercise Per Day

Date: Apr 11, 2016     By: Genesis Fitness    Fitness
It’s no secret that moving more helps us to be fitter and healthier. Research shows that as little as 30 minutes of exercise per day can boost our general health and well-being. What are some other benefits of getting in half an hour of exercise every day?

5 Ways to Avoid Burn Out

Date: Feb 11, 2016     By: Genesis Fitness    Fitness
It may be that you’re stuck in a rut, under pressure or snowed under with a pile of work. Regardless of how it comes about, feeling burnt out is a sure-fire path to feeling unsatisfied and unproductive in your working environment. Avoid burn out before it happens with these five easy tips.

5 Ways to Reduce Stress

Date: Feb 11, 2015     By: Genesis Fitness    Fitness, health, wellness, Fitness Solutions
You’ll hear people tell you stress is the main symptom of a life well lived; raising a family, kicking goals at work, burning the candle at both ends and succeeding. Even failure is a success in itself, as there’s no better time to start again…Positive up-talk aside, stress may be a sign your heart’s beating and the days are turning but it isn’t one you should want to harbour for any longer than you have to.

7 Ways to Increase your Energy

Date: Jan 15, 2015     By: Genesis Fitness    health, wellness, Fitness Solutions
There are many ways we can increase your energy levels, here is seven tips to focus on to feel better and get out and enjoy the sunshine!


5 Exercises to Increase Power

4 Weight Machine Exercises for Upper Body Strength

9 Benefits of 30 mins Exercise Per Day

What is Reformer Pilates?

5 Lower Back Friendly Glute Exercises

How To Choose The Right Workout For Your Fitness Goals

What Are The Benefits of Reformer Pilates?

5 Foam Roller Exercises To Improve Your Body's Flexibility

Why Your Hip Flexors Are So Important?

5 Ways To Monitor Your Fitness Goals

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