
4 Exercises to Build Core Body Strength

Date: Jan 27, 2015    By: Genesis Fitness

The inclusion of core strength exercises in your workout routine is a great way of strengthening your abdominal muscles, back muscles and muscles around your hips and pelvis. This will benefit your gym training and other physical activities.

The following core strength exercises are best to be completed on carpeted floor or mat. When completing each rep concentrate on breathing freely during each core strength exercise and focus on squeezing your abdominal muscles.

To begin with, repeat each of these core strength exercises for 3-5 repetitions. As your core strength develops, build up to 10-20 repetitions. If you have any health or back issues, consult with one of your Genesis Fitness Staff members before undertaking these core strength exercises.

1.Abdominal crunch
How to:
Lie on your back and put your feet on a wall so that your knees and hips are at 90-degree angles. Squeeze your abdominal muscles.
Lift your head and shoulders off the ground. Cross your arms on your chest rather than placing your hands behind your head, this will prevent straining your neck. Hold for three long breaths.
Go back to your beginning position and repeat.

How to:
Lie on your back with your knees bent. Keep your back in a neutral/straight position, not curved and not pushed into the ground. Keep your hips steady. Squeeze your abdominal muscles.
Lift your hips off the ground until your hips are straightened with your shoulders and knees. Hold for three long breaths.

3. Plank
How to:
Lie on your front. Lift yourself up so that you’re resting on your forearms and your toes. Straighten your head/ neck with your back, and place your shoulders directly above your elbows. Squeeze your abdominal muscles.
Hold this position and keep steady. Hold for three long breaths.
Go back to your beginning position and repeat.
To modify plank
Lie on your front. Lift yourself up so that you’re leaning on your forearms and your knees. Straighten your head/neck with your back, and place your shoulders directly above your elbows. Squeeze your abdominal muscles.
Generate pressure by pushing your elbows and your knees toward each other. Keep this position and hold steady. Hold for three deep breaths.
Go back to your beginning position and repeat.

How to:
Lie on your front with a rolled cloth/towel or a small cushion under your hips to hold up your back. Squeeze your abdominal muscles.
Lift your left arm off the ground. Hold for three long breaths. Lower your right arm and do again with your right arm.
Lift your left leg off the ground. Hold for three long breaths. Lower your left leg and do again with your right leg.


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4 Exercises to Build Core Body Strength

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