Getting active in a group offers a range of benefits, from boosted motivation to longer, stronger workouts. But if you’re new to the scene, knowing where to start can be daunting.
Check out our beginner tips for getting involved in group fitness.
Call it family time
Walking around the neighbourhood, spending some time outdoors at the local park or even just chasing the kids around is keeping you in better shape than you realise. If you’re struggling for time, make getting active a family activity, rather than trying to schedule time out to hit the gym.
Make it so easy you can’t say no
The most effective way in beginning to make exercise a habit is to have a fall-back exercise that’s so easy you can do it even when you’re running low on willpower and motivation. In other words, make this exercise so easy that it’s impossible to say no to, whether it’s a half hour walk with a neighbourhood fitness club or going for a group hike in the rainforest.
Opt for variety
More often than not, exercise drops off the daily routine because of disinterest. Monotony is a motivation killer, so instead of doing the same classes week in, week out, go for something a little bit different. From group personal training to yoga, aqua aerobics or even team sports, fitness offers you a world of opportunity to mix up your muscle groups and keep motivation at a high.
This article was proudly provided by the Australian Institute of Personal Trainers, who support Genesis Fitness and help our members achieve their fitness goals. If you are interested in starting a career in Personal Training, click here for more information.