
Reformer Pilates Growing in Numbers!

Date: Jul 01, 2023    By: Genesis Fitness

To date, Genesis Windsor, Thuringowa (QLD), Caulfield (VIC), Maidstone (VIC) and Melton (VIC) have introduced Reformer Pilates, which will be followed soon by Box Hill (VIC) and Bull Creek (WA), which are both in the process of finalising their studio fit-outs.

In the coming 12 months, more Genesis clubs in Victoria, New South Wales and Western Australia will also launch Reformer Pilates.

Reformer Pilates is being offered by Genesis in a boutique studio environment at a fraction of the usual cost for these types of classes.

Accompanying the rollout is a restructure of membership levels at the clubs introducing Reformer Pilates. A new Premium Membership offering includes unlimited access to both Reformer Pilates and the small group training Coaching Zone, in addition to the standard gym classes and access.

Genesis Health + Fitness National Reformer Pilates Program Manager Beth Feigl said:

“We’re delighted with the progress of the rollout.”

“It’s not just the number of sites we’re happy with, it’s also the way the new offering is being received by members – and that’s what is truly important.”

To read more, click here.

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