
How to train like a footy player: 3 workouts that'll have you kicking goals in no time

Date: Sep 19, 2023    By: Genesis Fitness

Whether you’re a fan of football or not, there’s a lot to learn from the way the top players train and recover from their matches. Professional footy players make a commitment to a fit and healthy body and mind as they work on their strength, agility, and endurance. Without forgetting the power of rest, nutrition, and a positive mindset! Here we take a closer look at how to train like a footy player, with three workouts to weave into your fitness routine that’ll have you kicking goals and celebrating your wins in no time.

1. Warm-up and cool-down workouts to support a healthier body

The warm-up and cool-down workout is a crucial component of a professional footy player’s training routine. To help them prep their body for exercise and recovery. After all, it’s in their best interest to minimise the risk of injury, as their career relies on a healthy body and a positive mindset!

You can pay the same respect to your body by using a mix of static and dynamic exercises for five-to-ten minutes at the start and end of your workouts. There are so many benefits to warming up, including that it stimulates the production of synovial fluid to lubricate joints and supports muscle elasticity for improved flexibility. Try dynamic movement-based exercises at the start of a physical session, such as light-paced walking, jogging and cycling to get the heart rate and blood flowing.

Footy players demand a lot from their hips, legs and knees as they lunge for the ball at high speed and kick at different angles and heights, so their warm-ups often include high knees, hip circles and leg swing movements.

When it’s time to cool down from your workout or gym session, use exercises and stretches, held for a period of time, to loosen and lengthen your muscles and connective tissue.

2. Build a cardio fitness routine like a pro footballer

Are you a fan of running? Footballers run up to 12 kilometres during a match, depending on their on-field position, so it’s important they train to a high intensity to build their cardiovascular fitness.

Heart health is important for your overall body functioning and regulation, plus a healthy heart supports your longevity. Aerobic exercise burns calories and boosts your metabolism, encourages efficient blood and oxygen flow for brain health and builds bone density to lower the risk of osteoporosis.

Whether you choose to run, jog, cycle, swim or join a fun HIIT group class at the gym, focus on establishing a consistent cardio fitness routine – like a footy player would. Before you know it, you’ll also be capable of running laps around the footy field or your neighbourhood!

3. Speed and agility workouts for greater flexibility, balance, and control

You may think speed and agility training is mainly for elite footballers and athletes who need strength to generate force faster. But we can all benefit from stronger bodies that are more aligned and working as a cohesive unit – whether that be at the gym, running a marathon or playing soccer at the local park with your kids.

To develop your speed and agility, try practising a series of high-intensity drills that incorporate fast feet, directional changes and jumps, such as ladder drills, box jumps, skaters and tuck jumps. Some gym classes are great for speed and agility too, like Boxing and BODYATTACK.

We hope these workout ideas inspire you to commit wholeheartedly to your fitness, just like a footy player does during their on-season. By connecting your body and brain and embracing healthy habits, you’ll be able to achieve your goals, no matter your fitness level or age.

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