
A Beginner’s Guide to the Gym

Date: Jan 08, 2019    By: Genesis Fitness

Stepping out of your comfort zone can be a daunting prospect, and stepping into the gym as a beginner is no exception. But the gym needn't be an intimidating place, with the right guidance you can walk into the gym feeling confident and ready to workout.

Book an induction

Most gyms, like Genesis Health and Fitness will have fitness professionals on hand to take you through a gym induction. In your appointment youll be shown how to use the equipment. Go prepared and write down anything that may help you for when training alone and don’t be afraid to ask lots of questions. Really take advantage of this time. If you still need more guidance, at Genesis Health and Fitness we have a fantastic team of personal trainers who can provide PT sessions and training programs.

Have a plan

Theres nothing worse than walking aimlessly around the gym with no structure or plan to your workout. Plan ahead so that when you arrive you can get straight into your session. This will save time and mean that you can put maximum effort into your workout without the distraction of wondering what to do next.

Take a training buddy

Training with a friend can be a fun and productive way to catch up, and a little healthy competition can do wonders for your motivation. Encourage and support each other to work harder, and hold one another accountable so that neither of you misses a workout.

Dont get caught in the cardio trap

Its easy to walk into the gym and jump straight on the treadmill, and while cardio exercise has its place, strength training is just as important. Regular strength training will sculpt and shape your body and help you to build lean muscle. Strength training can also help to protect your joints.

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