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7 Healthy Eating Tips for Winter

Date: Jul 08, 2019    By: Genesis Fitness

Humans may not quite hibernate for the winter like some animals do by slumbering through most of the cold months, but they often do pack on the pounds during this time. It is sort of like they are preparing for their own hibernation. Listed below are seven healthy eating tips to keep in mind during those cold winter months.

1 Eat More Protein

You probably are not going to be grilling out during the winter, but you should still be eating those lean meats that you did while it was warm. Even if your workouts decrease a bit, the increase in protein will keep the muscle on you. Plus, protein fills you up much faster than those high carbs and sugary foods. You won’t be consuming as many calories if you stick with a high protein diet.

2. Fill Up with Water

One great way to keep slim and trim during winter is to only drink water with your meals. Leave the soda and everything else on the shelf at the supermarket.

3. Load Up on Fruits and Vegetables

Just because it is not the season where you can grow your own fruits and vegetables does not mean you have to restrict yourself. Frozen fruits and vegetables can be just as healthy and cost much less.

4. Have Smaller Meals

Don’t treat every meal like an all you can eat buffet. During winter months, your activity level takes a deep dive. Combat against it by eating smaller meals so you won’t be packing on the pounds.

5. Consume Your Meals Slowly

It takes a bit of time before your stomach can tell your brain that you are full. Slow eaters usually are more slim and trim than the fast ones. Take your time and slow down. Enjoy every bite and you will eat less!

6. Snack on Popcorn

Everyone enjoys a good snack now and then. Too often people turn to chips and cookies though for their snacks. Instead, you should go with popcorn. It has about half as many calories and a good dose of fiber.

7. Don’t Skip Out on Your Coffee

Coffee doesn’t only give you the needed caffeine to get through the day, but it also is full of antioxidants. It may shock you, but coffee is a healthy beverage! However, try to keep it just black coffee if you can instead of one of those high-calorie dessert drinks that come closer to resembling a milkshake more than an actual coffee.

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