
7 Fitness Training Tips for Seniors

Date: Nov 26, 2019    By: Genesis Fitness

As we get more mature there is a thought of slowing down, and for those who haven’t been into weight training previously the term “I am too old for that” often comes up! Well there are research studies that show the best way of staying young is to keep on maintaining a fitness routine (or starting one) as the years go by. Here are seven fitness training tips that will make all seniors feel much younger than the age on their driver’s license.

Find a Partner in Crime

Rather than commit to this life-changing moment on your own, find a friend that will work out with you on a consistent basis. Things are always easier to accomplish with a friend on board.

Include Strength Training

Don’t focus solely on cardio, strength training will help maintain muscle mass, increase bone density, and decrease the chance of injury. Plus, if a senior arm wrestling contest breaks out, there will be a good chance you may win it!

Get a Trainer

Doing the same workout over and over can get a bit monotonous. Keep things interesting by getting a trainer to take you through your paces safely and help plan your workouts. Learning something new is a great mental challenge as well as a physical one.

Start with Bodyweight Exercises

You can start off your training program at home by focusing on bodyweight exercises. For instance, bodyweight squats can definitely build up the muscle in your legs and increase flexibility. It could be interesting to see how many pushups you can do after all of these years!

Continually Set Goals

Rather than just training when the mood hits, you should constantly be setting goals that will challenge you to keep on improving your fitness.

Set up a meeting with one of the Exercise Professionals at the club to plan out a goal and timeframe to help you stay focused.

Emphasize Compound Exercises

Compound exercises train several muscle groups at once. This would include chest press, Shoulder press, deadlifts, squats, Seated Rows and pushups. If you would like to get more bang for your buck and activate numerous muscles at once, emphasize compound exercises in every workout.

The Pool Is Your Friend

Even if you have never been a big fan of water exercises, you should consider stopping at the pool a couple of times a week if you are a senior and interested in keeping fit. Water fitness training is low impact so even if your joints are aching, you can still participate. Swimming is often called the world’s best exercise and being able to continue doing it even in your golden years is a blessing.

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