
4 Wellness Tips to Keep Fit and Healthy This Winter

Date: Jun 23, 2016    By: Genesis Fitness

As the winter weather makes its presence felt, out comes the cosy jumpers, the comfort food… and the couch. Exercising takes a back seat to keeping yourself warm, with TV taking precedence. Before you know it, spring is here and you’re in for a rude shock.
Launch your motivation out of hibernation with our tips to keep you fit and healthy this winter.

1. Opt For a Winter Workout
If the thought of your usual workout routine is enough to make you huddle on the couch until spring makes an appearance, it’s likely you need to shake things up. Join a winter sports team or flip your exercise routine on its head, and opt for group fitness classes. You may want to even hit the pool and warm up with some laps instead of working up a sweat in the gym.
As tempting as it is to stay indoors, getting outdoors will do wonders for clearing your mind, as well as working out your body. It’s worth braving the cool for a hit of crisp, cool air.
Alternatively, if you’re not one for braving the great outdoors, why not heat things up with bikram yoga? You’ll be guaranteed to work up a sweat – and heat up in no time.

2. Go Hearty, Not Heavy
When it comes to the bellowing breeze and the unrelenting cold, it’s easy to opt for parmigiana and chips, cheese laden spaghetti or an extra serving of cake. It’s not so easy to rid yourself of the sluggishness that comes added with the extra layer of winter comfort.
Banish the winter blues by getting creative with your cooking – think roasted vegetables, hot peppers and whole grains. Thick hearty soups are not only a tasty dinner dish, but will nourish your body with the essential vitamins and minerals you need to maintain energy.
When it comes to dessert, let your oven be the guide. Baked apples, homemade muffins and fruit filled puddings are the ticket to sweet satisfaction.

3. Book a Midwinter Escape
We’re not talking your average ‘hide yourself away from the cold and drink wine under a blanket’ kind of weekend. Plan an active mid-winter break, get outdoors and get some fresh air. Hiking, cycling or yoga – whatever activity takes your fancy.
If you can manage a longer trip, take to the slopes. Skiing and snowboarding provide a full body workout – you won’t even realise you’re exercising.

4. Heat it Up
Winter weather calls for warm food – but you don’t have to go hearty every night of the week. Adding a touch of heat to your usual summer menu ensures you don’t have to stockpile on stews and casserole every night of the week – think warm quinoa tossed in your salad, toasted sandwiches and couscous with dried fruit, nuts and roasted vegetables. Heat up your plate in the oven for an added touch of comfort.
Additionally, this is the season to spice things up – add coriander, chilli, cumin, turmeric or garlic to your salad dressings or soups to warm you from the inside out.

This article was proudly provided by the Australian Institute of Personal Trainers, who support Genesis Fitness and help our members achieve their fitness goals. If you are interested in starting a career in Personal Training, click here for more info


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