
9 Things Every New Runner Should Know (Or When Getting Back Into Running)

Date: Mar 24, 2015    By: Genesis Fitness

By Tristan Miller

As you begin running for the first time or get back into running, you may feel anxious and a bit apprehensive and that’s ok. To help you get started, here are 9 things every new runner should know.
1. Everyone can run.. Whether you’re fast or slow, it doesn’t matter. The key is to start and work up to the pace you consider fast.
2. Running hurts, so get used to it. If you’re just starting, your whole body needs to remember what it’s like to run. Each completed run creates a new level of conditioning for your body, building a stronger body for the next time. Handle the Hurt. Use it to make you stronger.
3. Distance running is the great equalizer. Whether you’re old, female or big boned, distance is your friend. The further the distance the more running becomes a mental game. Women are better at mental games. Older people are wiser and mentally stronger than younger runners. Bigger people have big tickers. You can wear those young pretenders out, so keep on trucking!
4.Running gets better as we get older. Many runners start in their late 20s, right through to their 50s. You may not have run at all in your teens, or played any sport, but this has little bearing on your running and athleticism as an older runner! We all start again when we start running later.
5. If you haven’t run for a long time, start with a walk. And start small, like a walk around the block. But create consistency, by laying a timetable to walk regularly. By the end of week 1, you should start to add in short periods of running and build from there.
6. Enter a race. In fact, enter two! Or a challenge. Anything that creates an outcome, or a goal, for your efforts. It can’t just be about losing weight, as this isn’t sustainable. You’ll only get so slim, but who knows how fast or far you can run?!
7. Once you get comfortable, train to a program that has some variation in the running. Ideally you would run two fast sessions and one long, slower session at a minimum. If you run long and slow all the time…you will remain a long, slow runner. To get faster, you need to run fast too.
8. Your body will learn to be efficient, but you need to help by trying to improve your form. Think about your running style. Are you running tall? Are you running on your mid-foot and forefoot instead of your heels?
9. Try to eat well! Food is fuel. Refined sugar is rubbish. The more good food you have in your system, the easier your running will become. Not only will you be lighter, but you will begin to feel amazing!
Run Long, Run Strong… RunLikeCrazy!
Long Distance Runner, Tristan Miller is our Ambassador for our Race Around Australia Treadmill Challenge. Read more about the challenge here or visit your local Genesis Fitness club to find out more.


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