Lilydale 24/7


Coaching Zone Lilydale - Group Personal Training

Register your interest to find out more about Coaching Zone today!

VIC - Lilydale 24/7

Creating New Beginnings and delivering sustainable results.

Coaching Zone is a fitness program that is a combination of training and coaching. We use the latest technology and techniques to take the guesswork out of achieving results during a 45-minute workout followed by 15 minutes of Coaching to review your progress and educate you on a range of lifestyle factors that can accelerate your results.

Our social events and community atmosphere will make your journey to the new you fun and rewarding.

The Coaching Zone group personal training sessions cater to all fitness levels but are designed specifically to assist people who are new or coming back to exercise feel comfortable and be educated on the correct ways and intensities to train to help them achieve a sustainable training routine, which is the key to long term results.

The Coaching Zone Program will give you access to unlimited Group Personal Training sessions led by a qualified fitness coach, full gym membership, and access to all our premium inclusions from $34.95 per week, see your local club for more membership information and to get started today.

It’s a perfect and affordable place for new members to start a fitness routine with extra support during each and every workout. Many of our members will start here to gain confidence then migrate immediately to a standard gym membership when comfortable and confident to continue their routine with new confidence or knowledge. We also have many members who love the community and support of the program so much, that they stay in the Coaching Zone program. It’s the ultimate training program with total flexibility and no commitment.