Club: Genesis Fitness Maitland
Let me introduce to you the Stevenson’s, unhealthy, overweight and generally unhappy about the way they felt, had every excuse and it came down to the fact Clint may lose his job, that’s when the team at Genesis Maitland encountered a life changing experience, both for ourselves and also Clint, Trish, Montanna and Mikayla Stevenson.
Clint was the first to get started and it just happened to be around the time of Your New Beginning (YNB) 12 Week Challenge last year, he had a weight loss goal that was quite extraordinary, so we decided to enter him in the challenge, under the guidance of Personal Trainer, Scott Edgar.
That’s when it all began!
We managed to get his wife, Trish excited about exercise and Trish decided to join the challenge too, having 2 overweight kids at home this was going to be all we needed to inspire and change the lives of this family, well didn’t it change, the 2 girls also joined the challenge and the rest is history.
This family is now one of the most well known in the club, to go from what they were to what they are now, with a combined total of near 100kg lost, the life-changing experience has done more than put a number on the scales.
Trish managed an astonishing 50km on a treadmill in one single session, which is longer than a Marathon (42km), Clint can now run, before he couldn’t even walk without puffing, and the kids? Well, there is no more bullying at school, and the kids although not complete in the initial goals have taken huge leaps forward and are keeping their training up.
Trish is the driving force behind the RAW challenge team and is the motivator of our YNB 2016 group.
The team at Genesis Maitland are very proud of the Stevenson’s, and we are proud to have had the pleasure of helping them improve their health and fitness.