Wantirna 24/7




Class Type:
  • Freestyle

A great workout for the abdominals.

Abs Blitz

Class Type:
  • Freestyle

A great 30 minute workout for the abdominals.

Active Adults

Class Type:
  • Seniors Classes

50s+ class to enhance fitness and wellbeing. The low impact and weight bearing exercises develop stronger bones and muscles and improve balance.


Class Type:
  • Aqua

Toning exercises using water as resistance. Suitable for all levels of fitness.


Class Type:
  • Division Ex

A high energy class that fuses boxing (with wrist weights) and cycling. Combining upper and lower body conditioning for a great low impact, cardio and resistance style class.


Class Type:
  • Cycle Studio

Burn maximum calories as you work your way through hills, flats, mountain peaks, time trials and interval training.


Class Type:
  • Freestyle

Functional Intense Training: In this full body workout you’ll not only burn off calories, you will improve your cardiovascular fitness core, strength and muscle definition quicker.

Les Mills™ Barre

Class Type:
  • Les Mills™

A modern version of classic balletic training; a 30-minute workout designed to shape and tone postural muscles, build core strength, and allow you to escape the everyday. ... Without the traditional barre to support you, the muscles supporting your body's stability and strength becomes the focus.

Les Mills™ Body Balance

Class Type:
  • Les Mills™

The yoga, tai chi, pilates workout that builds flexibility and strength leaving you feel centered and calm.

Les Mills™ Bodyattack

Class Type:
  • Les Mills™

An intense calorie consuming interval workout that uses basic aerobic moves in a high energy format.

Les Mills™ Bodycombat

Class Type:
  • Les Mills™

This energetic program is inspired by martial arts and draws from a wide array of disciplines such as karate, boxing, taekwondo, tai chi and muay thai.

Les Mills™ Bodypump

Class Type:
  • Les Mills™

A non-impact class designed to give your body a complete workout using barbells and weights to music, burn calories and improve strength.

Les Mills™ Bodystep

Class Type:
  • Les Mills™

The ultimate step class – the world’s fastest way to tone butts and thighs. Have fun an get results fast.

Les Mills™ Core

Class Type:
  • Les Mills™

A personal training inspired 30 minute strength workout that trains the trunk muscles which stabilise the spine and transmit load between upper and lower limbs.

Les Mills™ Grit Cardio

Class Type:
  • Les Mills™

An explosive 30 minute high-impact cardio session designed to burn fat and rapidly improve athletic capability.

Les Mills™ Grit Strength

Class Type:
  • Les Mills™

This 30 minute high intensity interval training workout combines weightlifting, running and plyometrics to increase aerobic capacity, strength and endurance.

Les Mills™ Tone

Class Type:
  • Les Mills™

A 3 in 1 workout incorporating cardio, core and strength work.


Class Type:
  • Mind Body

A powerful and effective core based workout to build both strength, and flexibility. Conditioning the body, sculpting the abs and changing the shape of your body.


Class Type:
  • Freestyle

An interval style class combining high energy, step aerobics and weight bearing activities. Suits all fitness levels.


Class Type:
  • Division Ex

Class that lengthens your muscles through foam rolling and yoga inspired stretching. The recovery, flexibility and performance boosting exercise will increase blood circulation and increase range of movement.

Signature Series

Class Type:
  • Freestyle

Xpress Circuit - 30 minute full body resistance based class on gym floor. This class is designed to help with your strength while educating you on correct technique using the pin loaded equipment.


Class Type:
  • Freestyle

Short and to the point. This class is a full body, high intensity cardio burning class. It uses interval training to get you fit quick.

Thump Boxing

Class Type:
  • Boxing

Thump Boxing class involves mainly boxing combinations, cardio drills, and specific boxing exercises. This class is designed for beginner to advanced levels of fitness.


Class Type:
  • Mind Body

A flowing and meditative yoga class for healing and restoring balance within the body mind and spirit. Improve muscle tone, flexibility, strength and stamina.

Zumba ®

Class Type:
  • Freestyle

Fusion of fun hypnotic Latin rhythms and easy-to-follow moves to create a one of a kind fitness program.

CZ Condition

Class Type:
  • Coaching Zone

CZ Fitness

Class Type:
  • Coaching Zone

CZ Strength

Class Type:
  • Coaching Zone

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