• Get fast and affordable results with Group Personal Training
• Programs to help beginner exercisers learn how to train correctly
• Fat Burning and Muscle Building Workouts for people training for upcoming events or goals
• High Intensity Training Sessions to take your training performance to the next level.
• Personalised Nutrition Support to get results fast!
The Coaching Zone is a private training area in our club designed to take your training experience to the next level! No busy and intimidating weight floors or hours of treadmill and bike for no results. All of your training in the Coaching Zone is monitored by highly qualified trainers who are there to guide, support and drive you to achieve your results whilst educating you in Group Personal Training Sessions.
Our Coaches are trained to deliver high quality, structured exercise workouts that maximise results whilst minimising injuries. Coaching Zone workouts are designed to challenge clients to progressively achieve results. There is no screaming trainers, intimidating scenarios or workout out until you are ready to throw up.
Our area is hooked up to the world class Myzone® heart rate system. It allow you to track your workout and ensure you are working to the correct intensity in order to achieve your results. Once your session is over take your heart rate monitor with you, download our Myzone Fitness app and you will be able to track all of your training on one of the most accurate exercise training systems in the world.
So what are you waiting for? If you need help achieving results you have struggled to achieve, or need help losing that 5-10kg for an upcoming event then register today for a free 14 day coaching zone pass
Register For Your Free Trial Today!